Dear Headwaters Staff,
I have a theory. In a normal life, under normal circumstances, twenty-four hours seems like a long time. When your twenty-four hours revolve around a steady schedule that you've selected, time seems under control, and your priorities are (or can be) just what you want them to be.
Sleep deprivation changes all of that. Whether your shut eye hours are limited because of the complexities of getting twelve 8 year olds to bed, one three month old to sleep, or waking up intermittently with sleepwalkers, or campers throwing up, your perception of time is thrown off kilter. The phrase, "Time passes like a blink of an eye," begins to have meaning as your ability to discern beginnings from ends wanes.
Watching all of you prance around while playing Birdie In A Perch on Sunday made me realize that I feel the effect of sleep deprivation, and wonder at how quickly the time has gone since you have arrived. We are nearing the end of your first summer at Camp Eagle (or 2nd, 3rd, or 4th summer) and I don't know many of you the way that I wish I could. I am wishing for more time.
Nevertheless, I have been continually impressed by you. As a group, the words "trusting, willing, devoted, and genuine" define you. As individuals, on whatever plane I've gotten to know you, I am wowed by your humor, joy, servant heart, and grace toward others.
And so, while lack of sleep seems to blur days into one another and make this summer seem incredibly fast - I wish for more time with each of you; preferably over a delicious cup of coffee (since that is where many great conversations take place in my book.)
So I am pretending this morning that I am enjoying this coffee with you, listening to your story, your heart, or your laughter as you share your life with me. In reality, I know you are sipping it while on the go, gearing up for another crazy day of being an amazing counselor. And that is what you are: amazing.
Love to each of you,